G-Code Useful Commands and Pronsole basics

Sunday, May 26, 2024

When you are making 3Dprinter development it is very useful to know a few G-Code command to operate more or less manually your machine and make many tests. This doable using for instance the console of pronterface https://github.com/kliment/Printrun  from a Raspberry Pi with a serial connection to your Stepper driver Main Board.

Here are my favorites Gcodes :

  1. M104 S220 (heat the nozzle to 220°C)
  2. G0 X0 Y0 Z0 F1000 (move at position X0 Y0 Z0 at feedrate 1000mm/min)
  3. M84 (release all the motors)
  4. G92 X0 Y0 Z0 A0 B0 C0 (define the value of the actual position of the machine)
  5. M906 B1500 (set the current in the motor of B axis)
  6. M92 X80 Y80 B-496 (set step/mm of chosen axes)
  7. M114 (get current position)
  8. M221 S150 (set feedrate at 150%)
  9. M290 Z-0.2 (make a permanent babystep correction in live)

To operate the Pronsole the most commands are simply :

  1. "connect"  (establish the serial connection)
  2. "load" "filepathtogcode to run"  (load your Gcode)
  3. "print"  (start the print)
  4. "pause" (make a break)
  5. "resume" (restart)
  6. "exit"  (close everything)
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