Github publication
The source files for the SAK-Bot project are now available on GitHub . I designed the entire model using FreeCAD, allowing you to freely download the project and adapt it to your specific needs. Although I haven't provided a detailed list of the minor components and fasteners yet, if you're a bit handy, you'll be able to recreate your own version without much difficulty, using the hardware you have on hand.
By open-sourcing this project, I invite the community to explore, modify, and build upon the existing design. Whether you're looking to customize it for your unique requirements or simply gain insights into the engineering process, the source files empower you to do so.
Collaboration is at the heart of open source, and I encourage everyone to contribute their improvements, suggestions, or even entirely new iterations back to the project. Together, we can continually refine and enhance the SAK-Bot, making it a truly community-driven endeavor.
Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or need assistance with the build process. I'm excited to see the creative solutions and adaptations the community will bring to this project.