Terms and conditions of use

Copyright Β© 2023-2024 | GA3D.tech | by Alain David Geiser in Morat/Switzerland | contact via DM on social Media

Anti-toxicity policy online and on social networks

Our title already conveys our message - let's maintain a straightforward approach. This project has zero tolerance for toxicity; any behavior that is deceitful, derogatory, disrespectful, sarcastic, or aimed at undermining others' motivation will result in strict consequences, potentially leading to permanent bans. A warning may be issued prior to more severe action. Additionally, groups promoting rigid ideologies rather than fostering genuine and thoughtful individual contemplation may face similar consequences. As this is a recreational endeavor, we prioritize maintaining a positive environment and reserve our efforts for constructive individuals.

N.B. Concerning the republishing of my contents from this website or from my social medias

N.B to the predatory accounts of all social media platforms and others: republication of this content is only allowed with reference to the GA3D project! Otherwise karma will make the balance ... Thx πŸ™‚

General Disclaimer

This project/site, containing the design of a multi-functional 3Dprinter/machine, is provided by the authors {GA3D} on an β€œas-is” basis, without any express of implied warranties of any kind, including of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, compliance with standards or regulatory requirements, or the non-infringement of third party rights in its production, distribution and use. The authors of this Project/Hardware/Software accept absolutely no liability for any harm or loss resulting from its use. It is extremely unwise to rely on Project/Hardware/Software alone for safety. Any machinery capable of harming persons must have provisions for completely removing power from all motors, etc, before persons enter any danger area. All machinery must be designed to comply with local and national safety codes, and the authors of this Project/Hardware/Software cannot and do not, take any responsibility for such compliance.